On 1 June 2012 the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published its report on the use of pCard’s in central government. While the PAC report highlights the need for strengthening controls
and a refreshed business case. This blog is not concerned with the key
content of the report but instead considers some of the oral evidence reported
verbatim in the report. The oral evidence discussed reveals some matters of
relevance to all those concerned with reducing procurement transaction costs,
regardless of whether or not they are based in the UK, engaged in central
government or the wider public sector.
While concurring with the PAC findings and recommendations, the
significance of some of the key issues debated appears to have been missed in
the key body of the PAC Report.
Having said that, the PAC
investigation is not concerned with Corporate Credit Cards, why, I don’t know,
but I think it is safe to assume that if the scope had have been widened, the
lessons from pCards could be magnified many times, rather than reduced.
The key oral evidence considered
is that of senior civil servants. That
is significant in that Sir Philip Green delivered a scathing attack on pCards in his report on central government procurement. The Green report was the subject of a
previous Debate piece (copies available on request).
Green highlighted concerns on the control and monitoring of pCards. His report was produced in collaboration with
a team of senior civil servants who, he reported, believed it was impossible
for the civil service to work efficiently if the processes which were then in
place continued. It can only be assumed
that some of those who provided evidence to PAC on pCards were those who
concurred with Green, if not actively collaborated with him.
Therefore one would have
expected those providing the evidence on behalf of central government to have
been well prepared for a grilling. However, reading the oral evidence indicates
that for many questions those probed had no answers and do not appear to have previously
considered some of the issues raised by the questioners (for example responses
to questions 19, 21, 24, 40, 41, 59, 82, and 121). Perhaps attention had been diverted from the
four million transactions [assumed to have taken place over the three year
period] (response to question 28) to big spend areas. There is a clear lesson for those responsible
for public finance that a differential approach to commercial management should
not mean forgetting about the pennies.
The business case for pCards
Despite the widespread use of
pCards in central government, the criticisms of Phillip Green (2010) and the
current austerity strategy, little attention has been given to determining the
value for money of this potential cost reduction tool. The best guestimate appears to be that pCards
save around £5 per transaction (response to question 2), however the potential
saving could just as easily be around £18.43 (response to question 68). If the saving is conservatively taken as £5
per transaction, the oral evidence suggests, an estimated saving of £8.5m
across central government (response to question 2). The last business case was completed in 1998 (p.7)
and there is an acknowledgement that needs a refresh (p.11).
However, despite a potential
saving of millions of pounds, in an age of austerity, UK central government do
not appear to actually have a methodology of calculated comparative transaction
costs nor a breakeven point for determining when pCards make sense. Set this alongside the lack of robustness in reporting
saved transaction costs when there are is a range of between £5 and £18.43 in
reported transaction cost savings and there is a real cause for concern.
pCard strategy
pCards should form part of a
procurement strategy, yet the oral evidence implies there is no such strategy
in UK central government; in some cases ‘lodged’ cards are used (response to
question 27); in other cases pCards, in others corporate credit cards; and,
perhaps most surprisingly, in some cases personal credit cards used with
reclaims made through the expenses system (response to question 79). These options each have their pros and cons
but no such option appraisal appears to be applied.
It is also interesting that
there appears to be no common view of where UK central government are aiming to
arrive at in terms of pCard implementation.
Examples of the lack of a strategic approach include, citing the best
performing department being presented as the one which carries out 100%
verification checks (response to question58); that “There
are different philosophies. Our philosophy is to drive down the use of these
cards and keep them to small and local” (response to question 79) even
though there is an acknowledgement that the use of pCards can support SMEs
(question 94). A further strategic
decision which appears to be at variance with the previously reported
commitment to lean sourcing is that “…
the days of long-term contracts for [pCard service provision and management
information] are over” (response to question 76).
pCard risk management
While all procurement activities
create a risk of fraud, due diligence should try to mitigate against that
risk. It would have been expected that
prior to issuing a pCard some checks of worthiness and honesty would have taken
place. Yet the oral evidence suggests that once you have been cleared to work
in the UK civil service, no mater how long ago that may have been or in what
post (response to questions 27, 29, 30), and completed some sort of test (response
to question 72), that is suffice in terms of checking suitability for issuing a
pCard; regardless of the expenditure ceiling or indeed the opportunity to yield
to temptation – this seems naive.
It would also have been assumed
that pCard implementation would be controlled within the framework of a policy,
particularly given Green’s 2010 criticism.
Yet the oral evidence confirms no cross-cutting policy exists (response
to question 51) and there is no single senior responsible owner for pCards
(response to question 27). It is
particularly surprising that in this age of austerity, 15 years after the
introduction of pCards, the development and communication of a policy remains a
‘work in progress’ (response to question 51).
The evidence seems to place the
departmental ‘card administrator’ in a pivotal position (response to question
50) yet we are not provided with any clarity as to the typical grade of the
administrator or an assurance that they will have the necessary clout to stand
up to senior pCard abusers.
The weaknesses of risk
management are illustrated by pCards having been issued to some who are not
actually employed as civil servants (response to question 104 and 111), that
‘cash and fuel’ are not always blocked categories (response to question 100),
and even that those responsible for the
issue of pCards were, on occasion, not even civil servants and subsequently
jailed (question 111).
pCard abuse
Given the apparent absence of
due diligence in the issuing of pCards it is of interest to learn that when
probed about pCard abuse, PAC were led to believe there have only been 99
instances of card abuse in the last three years. Yet, this figure appears to have been based
on what appears to be a flawed methodology; each department were asked to
provide the statistics (response to question 19). I don’t think it is
stretching the bounds of imagination too far to assume that there is a high
likelihood of under-reporting. But
common sense would also suggest that only some instances of pCard abuse will
have been identified and the more successful abuses can be expected to have
remained undetected. So caution is
required working on an assumption of only 99 instances of pCard abuse in three
years. The report also fails to pick up that there are staff who are opting out
of pCard use yet there is no evidence that the alternatives used are more
robust (response to question 79).
Conclusions and recommendations for policy and practice
The PAC inquiry into the use of
pCards is timely. It highlights the need
for improvement. However, there are
issues which the PAC investigation uncovered that may well be missed through
merely reading the body of the PAC report.
PAC did not consider the use of
corporate credit cards. Indeed, it could
be implied from the report that there was some confusion among PAC members as
to the difference between credit cards and pCards. Both offer cost effective solutions but one
may be more appropriate than the other. Therefore there is a need for an intelligent
and robust options appraisal to determine the optimal solution.
The report highlighted the need
for greater control and accountability yet failed to draw on the previous Green
Report – a wider consideration of evidence could have led the inquiry to probe
why there had been a lack of attention given to the issues raised in that
report. Particularly since those giving
evidence were likely to be among those who previously claimed that without
addressing those issues it would be impossible for the civil service to
function efficiently. There needs to be
greater personal accountability for acting on previous reports and ensuring
that civil service procurement is carried out as efficiently as possible.
Efficient procurement should
include the complete procurement portfolio.
LVOs need to be managed strategically otherwise potential savings will
be lost. While western economies struggle with austerity strategy there just
isn’t room to leave any potential saving untapped.
It is generally acknowledged
that business cases need to be refreshed in the light of changes. Yet the
business case for pCards has not been appraised since 1998. Not only does the public sector lack a robust
business case for pCards but it also lacks the fundamental baseline of how much
pCards can reduce transaction costs by.
While it is understandable that there will be not be a ‘one size fits
all’ pCard savings comparator, we await a reliable breakeven point. It is
unacceptable that we remain in doubt as to when the business case will actually
be refreshed and communicated.
In the absence of a business
case it should not be surprising that there is a lack of a pCard strategy. However, positioning the choice of whether or
not to use pCards as a philosophical stance appears fundamentally flawed and at
variance with the need for evidence based policy. pCard implementation needs to be shaped by
both a business case and a strategy that provides the context. Surprising PAC did not address the issue of
pCard strategy and the oral evidence implies no such strategy exists.
Risk management of pCard
implementation appears to be lacking.
There is no obvious pan-civil service policy, no strategy, no performance
management and no senior responsible owner.
PAC and those charged with austerity strategy need to reflect if that is
acceptable – theory suggests it is not.
However at the tactical level there is also a need to protect against
pCard abuse – that should start with identifying which categories and staff are
suitable for pCard use, which checks and balances need to be put in place.
Including the appropriate level of auditing.
So, in answer to the question, ‘pCard
or not pCard?’, the only conclusion one can draw from the evidence is, it
A very thought provoking contribution. There still remains a lot of confusion as to the role and benefits of P-Cards. Many people that I come across regularly confuse credit cards with p-cards, just like people confuse tax avoidance and tax evasion. With the right controls in place, and working in the context of an effective and well defined strategy which must be put in place, p-cards are easily the best way of mopping up routine and low value transactions. However, there is nothing like a bit of public servant bashing to get a few headlines in the tabloids. Let's hope the debate is influenced by people who know the real value that p-cards can offer central and local government alike.