I'd been unnecessarily distracted and took a few moments to catch-up on the discussion - I was disappointed with myself. Nevertheless all my objectives from the negotiation were thankfully achieved.
As I always do after negotiations I went through my personal debrief. At that stage I recalled previously orchestrating my telephone going off in a negotiation to good tactical advantage - I'll not explain how lest I use that approach again.
So in a nutshell a phone interruption can provide an advantage or disadvantage in a negotiation.
Almost simultaneously with my phone going off on Thursday the same thing happened in another negotiation . To me a very unconvincing negotiation was taking place with a news reporter when the interviewees' phone went off? Why on earth did the phone go off during a television interview? Why did Di answer it as opposed to ignore it? Was it a prearranged tactic which went wrong? Either way at the end of the television (negotiation) interview the interviewee was not in an improved position, and if anything, significantly weaker. I think Di made a bit of a boob.
Speaking of boobs. As I watched Newsnight tonight I was mystified by the negotiating tactic displayed by the NHS trying to reassure potential victims of the PIP implant scare. Previously I have discussed the potential costs for the NHS. All was going well it was announced that NHS patients would be provided the option of replacement of PIP implants. My mind went into overload with the paradox - great example of provider responsibility but have the NHS just admitted they are not sure about whether or not they have bought implants based on lowest price with a high WLC.

I wonder if No.10 advisers watching Newsnight recognised another boob, and wished that B had his phone on so they could have called him up, and said, "Hi B, it's D...".
Big lessons:
- decide the outcome you want to achieve during a negotiation,
- make sure you aren't distracted into adding cost, and
- be sure nothing within your control distracts you from your objective.
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