It does strike me that you gain credibility - it is something you need but is sadly not something you can do a great deal to protect against theft. It is earned but can easily be taken away as a result of others. It is earned but can be thrown a way in an instant.
So, how do I think you could gain the 'X Factor' of credibility:
- Relentlessly deliver against the '5 Rights';
- Be hoenst about reporting performance;
- Drop any reliance on qualifications - your credibility comes from delivery not bits of paper;
- Avoid being associated with the role of 'policing' the procedures;
- Know your subject, your toolkit, and which is the right tool for the job;
- Simplify as opposed to complicate;
- Listen and ask questions for clarity rather than selling yourself;
- Forget about the point scoring or even winning the argument;
- Do not masquerade - admit when you just don't know but undertake to find out;
- Be known as a 'can doer';
- Graciously help those who perceive themselves to be 'in a hole', 'out of the hole';
- Spot the 'new guy' (well, the new budget holder) to the organisation - introduce yourself and ask 'how can you help?';
- Never close the door on someone who knocks or redirect to 'your underlings';
- Develop long-sightedness - looking into the cloudy 'crystal ball' trying to spot what is coming over the strategic horizon - the next big issue for your organisation - and develop your ideas, in anticipation of offering, how you could contribute to that through procurement;
- Honour your commitments;
- Be personally accountable.
You may also have noted the omission of 'consistency'. That's not to say 'inconsistency gains credibility either - by which I mean changing your mind for no apparent reason. Nor, do I don't think closed-minded stubbornness helps gain credibility. Yet, I do think being prepared to change your mind in the light of better evidence or indeed a better argument helps build credibility. That's different than 'going with the flow' though.
What do you think?
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