Saturday 16 August 2014

CIPS warning of a pending supply chain crisis points to a bigger concern

I nearly fell of my seat when I read in the latest issue of Supply Management that CIPS CEO warned of a potential supply chain crisis based on a CIPS survey which "found around 80% of supply chain professionals in the UK cannot guarantee there is no malpractice in their supply chain".

Was this a typographical error, a badly constructed survey or misreporting?

Just pause for a moment, does this mean that CIPS, and the 20% of the 'senior business decision makers and supply chain professionals' who responded to the survey actually believe they can guarantee there is no malpractice in their supply chains?  If that's what they are saying then their understanding of risk in supply chains appears to be flawed - they are either delusional, lying or fooling themselves.

CIPS' concern shouldn't be with the 80% who acknowledge the risk but the 20% who don't!

If someone came to me and said they could provide such a guarantee I think I may pose the following questions:
  1. How do you define malpractice in supply chains?
  2. How could anyone possibly know there is no malpractice in their supply chain?
  3. How can you give such a guarantee?
  4. Would you stake your job on that?
  5. Are you responsible for supply chain risk management?
  6. Could I see the risk register as I think there may be a need for concern?
When CIPS' CEO warned "that British businesses could be "sleepwalking into another supply chain crisis"", I think he linked that with those who couldn't guarantee no malpractice - conversely, I would caution that the crisis is more likely in the organisations which think they can guarantee there is no malpractice.

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