Friday, 6 March 2015

Have CIPS lost the plot on Chartered Status?

Way back in January CIPS trumpeted that individual Chartered Status was available - sounded good. Of course it's only today we discover that caveat emptor should have perhaps applied when we ticked the box in support of Chartered Status.

I have now decided it's not something for me and I will not be pursuing it further, nor of course will I see it as a designation worth considering when recruiting procurement staff - I no longer feel it will be a positive differentiator.

Why? Well, I have an MSc with Distinction in Purchasing & Supply Management - it was awarded by a University and was accredited at the time by CIPS - it was an MSc which was tailored specifically to P&S, not a couple of bolt-on modules. That now seems to count for nothing - it is spent. I find I would need to take another CIPS Accredited MBA or pursue the Experiential Route - cost £795.

I also have MCIPS and a PhD in strategic procurement. Yes, and over 20 peer reviewed academic publications. And yes, I have been full-time in procurement since 1975. I think I can recognise bad value and not fit for purpose when I see it.

I only wish CIPS had been honest with the membership prior to asking for the vote on Chartered Status - I for one would have changed my vote.

I'd really love to know how much the Congress were aware of this approach and want to be accountable for it.

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